A World of Words, Thoughts, and Intimate Feelings
Is a book of poems that will take you on a journey of many feelings through the lens of my eyes. Many of these poems are full of raw feelings and emotions. The poems are so descriptive; they will make you wonder if they are real or fictitious.
These poems are my thoughts, feelings, desires, and so much more, including a small collection of erotic poems, which will give you a sample of what is to come. In a World of Words, be prepared for a ride into a book that will give you all types of feels, thoughts, and maybe even your own desires.
This book can be purchased by clicking the picture. My interview with Marcus will give you a better look inside where his creativity and being an author began.
What inspired you to write this book?
Marcus: Many of my friends have always told me that I am a great writer, they've always loved my poems and short stories, and have been begging me to publish a book so that I can share with the world.
What is your favorite childhood book?
Marcus: Freckle Juice by Judy Blume
What does literary success look like to you?
Marcus: I would say someone who loves to do what they love and their heart is fulfilled in doing it.
Does your family support your work as a writer?
Marcus: Big time supporters. My late great aunt always loved reading my college papers. She was one of the first people to tell me to keep going and to never give up.
How do you select the names of your characters?
Marcus: I use websites to generate names sometimes. And I'll either use it or just come up with a name that feels good to me.
How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
Marcus: My process is still the same. I don't stress out if I miss deadlines set. Because I understand that I have to be mentally free in order to concentrate. For me that consists of rest, reading books. Videogames, and listening to music.
Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
Marcus: I read them. But at the end of the day whether the reviews are good or not. I know that I gave my all in what I wrote. And if I could touch or motivate 1 person then I am fulfilled in my writing journey.
Marcus Nelson
