Anthony Banna has been haunted by the voice of a demon since 1956 after the death of his grandfather. Year's pass, and throughout his life the demon voice is there. In college, Anthony finally seeks the help of a demonologist named James Gilligan. Together they explore the supernatural and Mercedes Engle, a Dutch colonist in the 17th century that was visited by Archangel Raphael comes into light. Now Anthony needs to track down Mercedes' descendants to help him finally get rid of the demon forever.
I found this story truly unique and imaginative. You almost get two stories in one alternating between Anthony and Mercedes both is different worlds that are connected together supernaturally. The creepy factor runs high in this supernatural thriller. The demon voice is ominous, haunting, and extremely realistic.
I would recommend this book for fans of Stephen King and Clive Barker. The story is scary-good for those craving something dark with elements of surprise. I will definitely be looking for more scary stories by Paul in the future.
5/5 stars
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